Extra Curricular

At Summerhill School we actively promote and encourage every student to engage in our wide range of extra-curricular activities. Whether it be dance, music or performing arts to football, tennis or netball to Warhammer, comic book club or film club we will always aim to offer something for everyone.


Extra-curricular gives students the opportunity to try something new, express themselves in different ways, make new friends, promote healthy competition and learn new skills. We have seen many students go on to play sport or perform at county, regional and national levels including professional contracts offered.


Our extra-curricular also includes the extensive work that our students do to support local charities and organisations such as Mary Stevens Hospice and the Kingswinford Royal British Legion. We proudly have a number of students who are completing the Bronze & Silver DofE course through the Summerhill DofE Open Unit. For further details about DofE please CLICK HERE

Day Before School Break Lunch After School
Monday Music C/w catch up - OKF, Music Geography - UCC, HU3 Drama - PHW, Studio
**English will provide weekly resources via SATCHEL1 on a Monday** RS - UKR, HU5 DT - OJD, DT1
Dance Theory - DGR, HALL
Art - PTO, ART1
Health &Social (NEA), DSN, GT
Physics (Combined & Triple) - OAL, SC2
French - PSH, LG3
Business - PRE, BUS
Tuesday Music C/w - OKF, Music French - PSH, LG3
Spanish (Sp & wr) - UDB, LG2
Geog - UCC, HU3
Biology -OJW, SC8
Art - DEF, ART2
Construction - OPH, DT1
Textiles - URR, Txt
ICT - Mr Rowley, IT1
Eng - ONS, EN6
French - PSH, LG3
Wednesday Music C/w - OKF, Music Maths (H) DAME. MA4
History - PHS, LG1 Maths (H)- UJM. MA3
DT - OJD, DT1 Maths (F) - UOD, MA6
Maths (H) - DJR, MA2
Maths (H) - OCI, MA5
French - PSH, LG3
Business - PRE, BUS
Dance Choreography - DGR, HALL
GCSE PE Intervention - DGT,PJB,JB
Thursday Music C/w - OKF, Music Geography - UVM, HU2
** Afterschool will not run when staff CPD is on** History - OLH, HU6 Spanish (Read & List) - UDB, LG2
French - PSH, LG3
Friday Music C/w - OKF, Music Chemistry (Combined & Triple) - PMQ. SC6
Geog - DDH, HU1 Geog - PVM. HUM2 (If Thursday session is cancelled due to CPD)
Eng - ONS, EN6 Text - PTD. ART1
ICT - Mr Rowley, IT1

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